
Curriculum Vitae and Resume, Are Both The Same?

CURRICULUM VITAE & RESUME 1. Understanding A. Curriculum Vitae (CV) Curriculum Vitae (CV) is a document that contains our career journey to personal information used to apply for jobs. In addition, it is used as an important document in terms of scholarships and internships. Generally ranging from one to two pages.  Contains detailed, honest, and clearly structured information to make it easy to understand, including: ■ full name. ■ self-description. ■ contact information. ■ professional experience. ■ awards. ■ certifications. ■ achievements. ■ references. Types of Curriculum Vitae a) Based on Chronological Order. Prioritizing educational background and work experience as well as career development of job applicants. The structured format starts with the most recent work experience, so it is favored by a number of companies. b) Based on Skills. Focus on skills over work experience. Convince the employer that the prospective employee has the skills needed to do the job. Suitabl...

Job Interviews are Piece of Cake!

Job applicants must read this before conducting an interview! This page might be very useful for job applicants who will face job interviews. Don't panic because it won't help at all. The right step is to face the interview with confidence, but being confident is not enough. The key is that you must first know the basics of the interview, at least master the techniques.  The following is material about interviews to add to your information. 1. UNDERSTANDING The interview is a conversation in which you and an employer exchange information. Your objective is to get an offer of a job, and the employer's objective is to find out the following: What you have to offer (your skills, abilities, basic knowledge). Who you are (your personality, character, interests). Why you should be hired (you have what they are seeking). The interviewer will try to determine whether you will be an asset to the organization. Function: Opportunity for prospective employees to assess company culture,...

Do You Know About Application Letters?

DO YOU KNOW ABOUT APPLICATION LETTERS? I guarantee you will immediately understand, let's read it to the end! How do you make an application letter? The first step you have to do is understand the function and sentence structure used.  Let's look at the following discussion until it's finished. First of all, you must first understand the function of the application letter, here! 1. FUNCTION The purpose is to improve the chances of being called for an interview, to explain about skills, work experience, and responsibilities from previous jobs in detail to the company’s HRD. So, you will get the job. The next step is to understand what structures are used to properly compose an application letter.  Such as the following. 2. PARTS OF THE LETTER a. The Sender’s Address  1) Name of job applicants. 2) Address. 3) Cell phone number. 4) E-mail address. In an E-mail, you can also list your contact info below your signature. b. Date. E xample:  “January 4th, 20...

Yuk, Olahraga Bareng!

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum, teman-teman! Perkenalkan nama saya Safina Ardelia Amri. Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT atas karunia yang telah diberikan kepada kita semua. Ini adalah blog pertama yang saya publish , alhamdulillah.  Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin berbagi cerita tentang aktivitas saya di hari libur. Penasaran? Yuk, silakan baca cerita saya berikut ini. Hari Sabtu, 7 Januari 2023 saya berolahraga di Gor Tri Lomba Juang, Semarang, dengan sahabat SMP saya yang bernama Ayu Syafrida. Kami berangkat naik motor dari rumah pukul 07.15 WIB, saat itu udara di pagi hari sangat segar. Sesampainya di Gor Tri Lomba Juang, saya dan Ayu parkir di basement. Saya melihat banyak orang-orang yang beraktivitas di sana, ada yang sedang zumba, yoga, berlari, pull up , dan lain-lain. Saya merasa semangat untuk berolahraga di hari libur, karena ingin memiliki badan yang sehat dan mendambakan tubuh yang ideal. Saya dan Ayu berlari bersama selama 12 menit dengan j...